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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting
March 10, 2009, 6:00 p.m.
31 Pecks Lane, Newtown, Connecticut

Commissioners Present: Hovious, Ferguson, Barkman, Wright (by phone), Kaley and Wilson
Staff Present: Rob Sibley, Deputy Director Land Use Agency; Tammy Hazen, Clerk

Executive Session opened at 5:05 p.m. and adjourned at 6:00 p.m.

The public meeting was called to order at 6:12 p.m.

Public Participation:  No members of the public were present.

Approval of Minutes: Commissioner Ferguson motioned to approve the minutes of February 24, 2009.  Commissioner Barkman seconded the motion.  Commissioner Hovious asked if the open space map could be updated with the latest information.  Mr. Sibley noted that he will work on providing an updated open space map for the commission.  Minutes were discussed and approved unanimously as amended.  

Added Agenda Item:  Commissioner Wilson motioned that the deferment of taxes for acquisition of development rights for open space purposes be added to the agenda under old business.  Commissioner Kaley seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.  Item added as Old Business Item #9.

Old Business – Progress Reports and Updates

Open Space Purchase Discussion and Resolution as Appropriate – Mr. Sibley updated the Commission on two parcels that were transferred into open space inventory due to tax foreclosure.  Both properties are less than two acres each.  

Commission Critical Work for 2009 – The Commission discussed the critical work list and subcommittees.  It was noted that anyone interested in serving on other subcommittees are welcomed to as long as it holds no quorum.  Commissioner Barkman motioned to change the name of “Deer Management” to “Forest Floor Interactive”.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ferguson.  Commissioner Ferguson suggested “Forest Floor Study.”  Commissioner Barkman modified her motion to call the subcommittee “Forest Floor Study.”  The motion was called to question.  Commissioners Hovious, Kaley and Wright voted “No”, and Commissioners Ferguson, Wilson, and Barkman motioned “Yes”.  Motion not passed.  It was agreed to wait for Commissioner Cramer’s input. The item will be tabled.

Natural Resources Inventory RFP Responses – Mr. Sibley received the third RFP from Malone and McBroom.  An electronic copy was sent to the Commission this evening.  The subcommittee will review all three RFP’s and return at the next meeting with a recommendation.  

Open Space at Commerce Road Update – The Commissioner reviewed the subgroup’s comments on the latest plans for the tech park from EDC.  The subgroup and Mr. Sibley will meet to discuss the final response to EDC.  

Open Space Inventory – Commissioner Kaley asked if GIS is available on the Town website yet.  Mr. Sibley said that although the GIS budget was cut, Scott Sharlow is looking for a way and to get it on line.

Loveland Property Purchase Status – Mr. Sibley said that Newtown made the final draft of the proposal for the Housatonic Resource Recovery grant totaling $326,400.  He wants to set up a photo opportunity for the News Times, inviting the Trust for Public Lands and representatives from Monroe.  He is assured that the purchasing of the property would not affect the receipt of the grant.  

Report on March 4th BOS Special Meeting, any action needed by Conservation Commission – No action for the Conservation Commission.

Sustainable Landscapes Workshop Report – Mr. Sibley noted that the workshop was well attended and well received.  He thanked Ann Astarita for all her hard work in organizing this workshop.  There are many experts in Town that may also offer their expertise in future workshops.  Mr. Sibley said that a goal could be to have one workshop each spring and fall.  

Tax Deferment – Commissioner Wilson discussed her conversations with representatives from CCF and HVCOO.  The Legislative Committee would need to enact legislation.  She contacted Brian Gregario from CCF who found that no other towns in Connecticut have taken advantage of this statute.  Commissioner Wilson also met with Jonathon Chu from HVCOO.  Mr. Chu stated that they are updating the regional plan and asked Commissioner Wilson to have the Commission review the open space portion.  He may include this information in the update of their plan.  The subcommittee will meet on this.  

New Business

Open Space Signage – Mr. Sibley would like a consensus for a single design for Newtown Open Space signs recognizable and unique to Newtown but within the keeping of all public accessible land (i.e., Newtown Forest Association and State of Connecticut).  Some funding is available.  Commissioner Barkman said she helped design open space signs when she was on the Open Space Task Force.  There are yellow signs designating “Open Space Boundary Trail”, “Wildlife Preserve”, and “No ATV” markers.  All templates are made.  A general informational sign (about 17” x 38”) needs to be developed that welcomes people, lists hours and rules, etc.  Open Space Care and Maintenance Group will provide recommendations.  

Commissioner Barkman motioned to adjourned at 8:10 p.m.